I see you

I see you

Sometimes there is nothing to say. Sometimes just looking each other in the eye and truly seeing seeing each other is all we need. Holding space for the "ugly dance" I've heard it called. Creating a basin of love for us to land in, a place to rest our tired feet, a space to cradle our fear, our joy, you unanswerable questions. A horizon so wide that everything is welcome, a sky to vast it can contain the multitudes that ripple and swirl within.

Being of service to each other in a turbulent time may be simpler thank we think.  It is easy to get snagged and bewildered by the intent to say the right thing, write the right words, monitor, moderate, evaluate, fix, resolve, help.

The highest act of service, especially in times of great uncertainty and turmoil, might just be to look each other in the eye and see each other, give each other permission to feel what's alive in the moment and honor our shared human experience.

To truly create space for someone else to really have their own experience is a tremendous act of generosity.

In a moment when social distancing has become the norm, what does it look like to focus on the ways in which we can show up for one another through generosity of presence and compassion?