Anam Cara (Soulfriend)
BeMobius is an offering that reflects our amazing journey and friendship. It is an answer to a deep calling to practice peace and healing in ourselves and in our community. It is a spacious gift that comes from our willingness to listen and to learn from one another regardless of age, roles and cultural perspectives. It is a breath-giving gift of diversity, of synergy when the youth and wisdom come together to bring their unique gifts to share for a common calling.
BeMobius emerged from an awakening -when we learn the practices and language of love in action, we uphold each other and become even more powerful than we can imagine.
BeMobius inspired by our intergenerational friendship that transcended global boundaries, was officially born following a contemplative weekend at Pendle Hill retreat center. The name BeMobius is a tribute to elders like Parker Palmer who continue to guide the foundation of this work.
It was Parker’s words on Life on the Mobius Strip that landed us home and inspired the named BeMobius- to integrate our inner and outer lives toward wholeness. Thank you, Parker for your grace, wisdom and example.
We arrive here with so much gratitude.
We welcome you on your journey with ready, curious, open minds and humble, love filled hearts.
Peejo's Story
I grew up in a small home with a big gigantic heart. An ever-revolving door where endless extended family and friends arrived for respite, for safety, good nourishing food and unconditional love. I saw my parents create a home where radical hospitality was practiced, where all were welcomed, where simplicity and kindness mattered more than opposing points of views-where people were received graciously, non-judgmentally and exactly as they were, no matter what time of day or night, what state of heart or body/mind.
They modeled for me that people matter-that we grow, thrive when we are seen, heard and valued by elders, by someone who deeply cares- where expectations and acceptance are guided by love, respect and deep reverence for human connection.
This is the lens with which I show up in my role as a Health and Wholeness Consultant and Functional Medicine Certified Health coach- inviting you into the space of radical hospitality, and unconditional positive regard. It is with this spacious lens that I receive you where you are, to nurture and support through deep listening and non-judgment, to build trust through practiced pausing, to reset, to create clarity, purpose, and to reclaim health and wholeness.
My training as a Functional Medicine Health Coach integrated through evidence-based science what I had discovered in over a decade of my study of Hatha yoga and the Amrit Method of Yoga Nidra. At the core of all my learning and offering is the transformational understanding that people are inherently wise, whole, capable and resilient. We only need to be witnessed, encouraged and supported to bloom and flourish.
I have witnessed countless of awe inspiring, transformative awakenings and flourishing in my ten years of working as a coach for college students. My interest in resilience and positive psychology and my Graduate work in Teaching, Facilitation, and Education working with at-risk and diverse learners, deepened my understanding and respect for the potential that lies within the human mind/body- the astounding power that when reclaimed and unleashed can overcome any challenge, embrace change and transform obstacles into the most healthy, vital expression of the human potential.
Nothing is more humbling, beautiful and divinely inspired than witnessing the birth of potential! This is the privilege of my work. Of witnessing, of listening, of reflecting back the powerful stories that are lived- and supporting people to live into their most authentic expression of wholeness and health.
My father taught me the art of alchemy through story telling. He often began a story with “Long ago, but not so long ago that it’s memory can be forgotten”, in his wise, comforting, slow, heavy accented English. And you were gripped, and transformed forever!
I learned from my father the transformative power of stories-of personal narratives, of ancestral stories that live in our bones, waiting to be invited, to be released, to be reclaimed. Our stories. They need to be told, need to be released and to be heard, to be softly and tenderly held, so we may begin to create space to let go and to weave and recreate new narratives that are waiting their turn.
I invite you to tell your story, to release, to let go, to dare to imagine, to reclaim your health and wholeness and live your best most joyful, vital expression of you.
You are ready.