She reminded me that we are all creative— just by being alive and sharing our unique human experiences, that we don't need to judge or filter our creativity.  

-Jenna, Occupational Therapist, CO




4 week coaching partnership is designed to give you the fuel, focus and inspiration you crave to get the juices flowing. You will receive 4, 1 hour, one-on-one sessions, exploring your creative intentions, goals and what's getting in the way. Weekly prompts will guide your toward your own creative magic.


6 week coaching partnership designed to provide sustained and customized support to set you up for creative success and fulfillment. You will receive 6, 1 hour, one-on-one sessions, and tailored weekly prompts to support you as you dive deeper into your process and craft.


12 week coaching partnership designed to give you thorough and gradual customized support to ensure continued momentum and creative fulfillment.
This package is great for a longer term project, or for someone looking to rekindle their relationship with creativity in general.


Book an individual coaching session as a way to jump start a project, brainstorm, get a fresh perspective, or soak up some sweet inspiration.
You will receive creative insights, tools and techniques to optimize and enjoy your creative power.


Sign up to receive customized weekly prompts delivered directly to your inbox, accompanied by a 30 minute monthly check-in to ensure optimized support for your journey. This is a great option for someone seeking steady fuel with a minimal time commitment.


BeMobius creative vitality Coaching:

customized nutrients, encouragement and focus for you to live your most creative life. 

Working with a BeMobius Creative Vitality Coach provides a compassionate process designed to intentionally cultivate the optimum conditions for your unique creative rhythms to thrive.

Creativity is at the core of every being, but it can either be nurtured or halted depending one's conditions and conditioning.  This gentle, customized support gives you the nudge you need to prioritize creativity as a way to a more courageous life.

Coaching session are available via video conferencing (Microsoft Teams), or by phone.

Nudging, guiding, gently encouraging, fierce accountability. More than anything they made this process full of spark and clarity.

 Lara, Massage Therapist, ME 

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Hi I'm Morgan, a partner in courageous creativity.

At BeMobius, we believe, that every being is creative. It is in your DNA. You are creative, simply because you are alive.

The practice of intentionally cultivating creativity is a courageous path to liberation and wholehearted living.

Creative Vitality is about brave self expression, play, enjoying your process, and surrendering to inspiration.

We are delighted you are here and are so excited about the journey that lies ahead.

Stay strange, wild, and curious, beloved creatures.